Are you still trying to figure out hilarious things to say to her? Finding the right words can be challenging. If you have a female crush, a girlfriend, or a wife and would like to bring a smile to her face, use these funny text messages for her.
Humour plays a significant role in numerous relationships, including romantic ones, friendships, and even colleagueship. People generally love to be around someone who can make them smile and laugh.
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Corey Cesare Corey Cesare
Corey Cesare is Talent Recap's Managing Editor and featured YouTube Host. She has a love of all things pop culture and an unhealthy obsession with celebrities. Corey earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism and Cinema/Screen Studies from the State University of New York at Oswego in 2021. She spends her spare time shooting astro, nature, and portrait photography, and coming up with movie ideas that she hopes to make into a film someday.
Par trois jugements rendus ce 25 mars, le tribunal administratif de Melun a confirmé la légalité des décisions du préfet du Val-de-Marne concernant la reconstruction de l'usine d'incinération d'ordures ménagères d'Ivry-sur-Seine (Val-de-Marne). Quinze ans après le début des premières consultations, ce projet porté par le syndicat intercommunal de traitement des ordures ménagères (Syctom), qui regroupe 84 communes d'Île-de-France, est au coeur d'affrontements politiques et judiciaires.
Un projet en deux volets Il comporte deux volets : la reconstruction estimée à 550 millions d'euros d'une usine d'incinération - l'actuelle, construite en 1969, arrive en fin de vie - et la création d'une usine de valorisation organique, projet encore en gestation qui fait actuellement l'objet d'un moratoire.
The first few seconds of Wild sound like sex. You hear a woman panting and moaning as the camera pans across the forest, and it seems like the movie is starting off with an outdoor quickie. But it’s not the sound of two hikers hooking up: it’s the sound of Cheryl Strayed, played by Reese Witherspoon, climbing a mountain all by herself.
It lasts only a moment, but that first shot contains everything you need to know about why Wild is so important.
The animal kingdom is full of very diverse species that brighten up our planet with their colors and surprise us with the way they behave. However, there are animals that seem to have arrived from other planets due to their unique and unpredictable characteristics, which never cease to amaze human beings.
Bright Side searched for some of the strangest birds in the world and made a compilation for you to admire and learn more about them.
1. Red-cheeked cordon-bleu
This small turquoise bird, also known as the “red-cheeked cordon-bleu,” due to the intense red color of the male’s cheeks.